Rapid Resilient Reefs for Coastal Defense (R3D)

Coastal hazards associated with rising seas, more frequent storms, and marine heatwaves increasingly threaten civilian and DoD infrastructure and personnel. Four laboratories within the School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, in collaboration with the Applied Research Laboratory, are developing a self-healing, living coral reef engineered to mitigate coastal flooding and storm damage. The Rapid Resilient Reefs for Coastal Defense (R3D) project focuses on a nature-based solution suited for future oceanographic and ecological conditions in the Pacific by mimicking the wave-attenuating function of a living coral reef that can tolerate increasing ocean temperatures and keep pace with sea-level rise.

This multidisciplinary team of engineers, ecologists, biologists and computer scientists is developing multiple strategies to reduce wave energy and improve coral resilience while faced with a changing climate.  UH is partnering with Makai Ocean Engineering, University of California San Diego-Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Florida Atlantic University and Ohio State University on this exciting project.

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R3D News

Darpa Thinks Walls of Oysters Could Protect Shores Against Hurricanes

SAN FRANCISCO (Wired) – The US defense research agency is funding three universities to engineer reef structures that will be colonized by corals and bivalves and absorb the power of […]

SAN FRANCISCO (Wired) – The US defense research agency is funding three universities to engineer reef structures that will be colonized by corals and bivalves and absorb the power of […]

Concrete reefs to be deployed off Oʻahu to slow wave energy, promote coral growth

Ben Jones from ARL at UH was featured on The Conversation on Hawaii Public Radio discussing our Rapid Resilient Reefs for Coastal Defense (R3D) project.

Ben Jones from ARL at UH was featured on The Conversation on Hawaii Public Radio discussing our Rapid Resilient Reefs for Coastal Defense (R3D) project.

UH to Deploy Innovative Coral Reef Protection System

Researchers from the University of Hawai‘i, in partnership with University of California San Diego-Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Florida Atlantic University, Ohio State University and Makai Ocean Engineering, are developing a […]

Researchers from the University of Hawai‘i, in partnership with University of California San Diego-Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Florida Atlantic University, Ohio State University and Makai Ocean Engineering, are developing a […]

UH developed, living coastal-protection system prepares for deployment

The University of Hawaiʻi (UH) has reached a milestone in the U.S. Department of Defense funded project that aims to create a living breakwater system to protect coastlines from erosion […]

The University of Hawaiʻi (UH) has reached a milestone in the U.S. Department of Defense funded project that aims to create a living breakwater system to protect coastlines from erosion […]

ARL at UH innovative tech hub for Hawaiʻi, national defense

The Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawaiʻi (ARL at UH) is addressing a wide range of emerging problems facing Hawaiʻi and the world such as renewable energy, coastal defense for sea-level rise, submerged breakwaters and coral […]

The Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawaiʻi (ARL at UH) is addressing a wide range of emerging problems facing Hawaiʻi and the world such as renewable energy, coastal defense for sea-level rise, submerged breakwaters and coral […]

Voice of the Sea TV features R3D

At the intersection of cutting-edge science and environmental stewardship, the Rapid Resilient Reefs for Coastal Defense (R3D) Project is leading the charge in developing innovative solutions to protect our shorelines […]

At the intersection of cutting-edge science and environmental stewardship, the Rapid Resilient Reefs for Coastal Defense (R3D) Project is leading the charge in developing innovative solutions to protect our shorelines […]

Researchers Hope A New Hybrid Reef Will Help Save Coral In Hawaii

This project will create a part-natural, part-artificial reef to help reduce wave energy and host an engineered ecosystem. Read the Civil Beat article here.

This project will create a part-natural, part-artificial reef to help reduce wave energy and host an engineered ecosystem. Read the Civil Beat article here.

UH to develop living coastal-protection system inspired by coral reefs

The University of Hawaiʻi will be awarded up to $25 million by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop an engineered coral reef ecosystem to help protect coastlines […]

The University of Hawaiʻi will be awarded up to $25 million by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop an engineered coral reef ecosystem to help protect coastlines […]

University of Hawaii is awarded $25 million to create hybrid reef

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